The keys to my heart…
How fun is this delightful Keys to My Heart Valentines craft with All About Me keys. Whether you teach in a school or homeschool your kids, this is an ideal craft for Valentines Day. It’s also a great way to get to know all about your kids.
Print out the templates and get your kids/students to colour them in. Use a gold-coloured pencil for the keys and write on top with a fine black felt tip pen.
Cut out and punch a hole at the top of the heart template and keys and secure them together using a split pin.
Your kids/students can use as many keys as they like.
N.B. Included are both the British and American spellings.
The All About Me keys included are
British English
My name is
I am______ years old
My favourite colour/s
My favourite food/s
My favourite animal/s
My favourite film/s
My favourite subject/s
My favourite sport/s
My favourite book/s
American English
My name is
I am______ years old
My favorite color/s
My favorite food/s
My favorite animal/s
My favorite movie/s
My favorite subject/s
My favorite sport/s
My favorite book/s
Click HERE for this craft
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